Music Made EASY!
Just match the color and letter music patterns to your instrument
and play your very first song!
An Easily Accessible and Affordable Introduction to Music!
These Music Pattern Song books can be used with
Glockenspiels, Xylophones, Recorders, hand bells, piano and more!
Learn by listening with FREE audio tracks of ALL the songs in ALL our books here on this website!
Popular 8 Note Songs: Music Patterns to Color
Spanish Edition |
German edition |
French edition |
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Free instructions:
how to play a glockenspiel xylophone: click here
How to Play the REcorder: Click Here
how to play the piano: click here
how to play the harmonica: click here
How to Color Music Patterns: Click Here
Why Recorder, Piano, Handbells and Harmonica? Because they all work GREAT with Popular 8 Note Songs!
For HomeA xylophone or a recorder is a great introduction to music for children, allowing them to explore tones, rhythm, counting and colors. The Popular 8 Note Songs Music Book has many songs used in early childhood music education which can help with future piano, violin and other instrument lessons. Music training helps children develop pattern recognition and rhythm as they build motor skills and eye hand coordination which leads to increased spatial intelligence. And it’s fun!
At SchoolBy the time a student is in school, he or she is ready for more complex challenges. The Popular 8 Note Songs series of music pattern books come with harmonies and duets so that students can learn to play music together. Music training builds memorization skills and better auditory attention as well as superior language and reasoning skills. Music accomplishment builds self-confidence, character and creative thinking. And it's fun!
On AdventuresSitting around a campfire and playing music is one of the delights of outdoor adventures. It is usually not feasible to bring a large instrument on a wilderness journey, but you and your friends can easily bring a xylophone or recorder along with your Popular 8 Note Songs Music Book and play music anywhere! You can take them with you camping, on car trips, on picnics – the possibilities are endless. Playing music together builds community and wonderful memories. And it’s fun!
Music Therapy
Seniors often experience a variety of age-related changes to their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Music has been shown to have a transformative effect on many people by helping them with their thought processes as well as their speech and language ability. Playing music is relaxing and, when done in a group, helps alleviate loneliness and depression. When the time comes to downsize and leave behind larger instruments, seniors can continue to find joy in music by playing an easily portable and simple to store xylophone with their Popular 8 Note Songs Music Pattern Book. And it’s fun!
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that inspire you to do something new - because learning is always an adventure!
Up-a-do Unlimited brings you brain-enhancing, relationship building, entertaining products
that inspire you to do something new - because learning is always an adventure!