Wait! Can it be? Are there still more songs that can be played with just eight notes? Why… yes there are! We have just published Popular 8 Note Songs Book 2 for aspiring musicians everywhere. The music pattern book contains over twenty tunes, including duets by both Beethoven and Bach. We think of classical composers like these |
And speaking of the harmonica, if you are interested in seeing how the harmonica can play these eight note songs, you will be happy to know that there is a beginning lesson in Popular 8 Note Songs Book 2 with a color chart to help you match a harmonica to the songs patterns, plus more instructions online at www.UpadoUnlimited.com, |
The first time I heard the Bach Minuet duet was when my two daughters were taking Suzuki Violin lessons many years ago. I was so surprised to find that it could be played with just 8 notes. On our website, you can listen to the free audio track of my daughters accompanying me on violin while I play the xylophone. |
Swallow Tail Jig is a familiar tune to many Irish fiddlers, and some historians date the origin of the tune all the way back to the mid-nineteenth century. People often wonder about the difference between a jig and a reel. If a vocalist can sing “elephant, elephant” along with the beat, then it is a jig. If he can sing “alligator, alligator,” then the musician is playing a reel. A jig, written in 6/8 time, basically has three beats per measure. A reel, on the other hand, has four beats per measure.
| Fiddle songs have a special place in my heart because both of my daughters are classical violinists, Suzuki Violin teachers and fiddle players. (I am including a video of them playing Old Joe Clark back when they were in high school and early college. A friend is joining them on the accordion. Enjoy!) |
My husband and I homeschooled our three children all the way from kindergarten through high school. To help them learn about science, I would purchase various curriculums that incorporated music along with the subject matter. One song my kids learned to sing was “Ecology is Scientific Study” to the tune of “Sweet Betsy from Pike.” Music is a remarkable tool in that all three of my kids can still sing all the words to the Ecology song.
We spend many years hosting History Balls for our friends and community, complete with hoop skirts for the ladies and period vests and ties for the gentlemen. The final song at each Grand Ball was a waltz danced to the tune of “Enduring Young Charms.” My family has had many joyful musical adventures, and I hope is that you will make wonderful family memories with the tunes in Popular 8 Note Songs Book 2! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Wishing you joy on your musical journey! Debra Newby |